Thursday, February 28, 2008


flora "from scratch extraordinaire" pereira
marika "give me chocolate or give me death" plater

carolyn "the nut whisperer" lazard
songsoo "i will cook five courses and leave the kitchen spotless" kim

samuel "i think this dish could use a little more whiskey" lang budin
holly "it's called a chiffonade" rage

gabi "biscuit wizard" herbst
molly "souper star" king

alana "the cutting edge of innovation" buonaguro
emma "the crisp master" brenner-malin

what is feitler?

feitler is an alternative to dorm living at bard. this is how things work:
food: the money that we would pay to chartwells for a meal plan instead goes to a common fund that we use to buy our own food. every 2 weeks, a truck from united national food co. drops us off a load of bulk ingredients, fresh veggies, and treats. we also order produce from angelos, a local food distributor, get bread delivered from tivoli bakery, and in the fall we have a farm share at hearty roots csa and are frequent visitors to the montgomery place farm stand. we are not all vegans, some of us aren't even vegetarian, but we cook vegan meals 5 days a week. we like to share our bounty and we love to have dinner guests.
cleaning: aramark employess do not clean feitler as they do other dorms, and we take turns cleaning up after dinner, have weekly chores, and have monthly house cleanings. 
decision making: we have weekly house meetings where we strive to make decisions by consensus.
how to live at feitler: because the house only has room for ten, people who want to live at feitler have to apply to do so. we post applications (around campus and through announce) every spring, and sometimes in the fall. keep an eye out for them if you think feitler-living might be for you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

where we are

Dinner Times!

welcome to feitler co-op's blog! we are students at bard college and we serve vegan dinners to anyone who wants to eat them every weeknight. please call us before you come so we know how much to cook (ext. 6045)

monday: 8  
tuesday: 7
wednesday: 7
thursday: 7
friday: 7